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C.V.O. Chartered & Cost Accountants' Association

Legal Updates
Sales Tax Update

Compiled by : Shri Bharat K. Gosar (C.A.)

Circulars issued by the Commissioner of Sales Tax:

1. Circular No. 16T of 2002 dated 18.06.2002:
The commissioner has issued guidelines to assessing officers for passing orders u/s. 33(2) for the year 2000-2001. The guidelines are similar to the guidelines issued for the year 1999-2000.

2. Circular No. 17 T of 2002 dated 25.06.2002:
The commissioner has clarified the provisions of the B.S.T. Act applicable to resellers of Iron & Steel from 1st July 2002.

3. Circular No. 18 T of 2002 dated 25.06.2002:
The commissioner has issued guidelines for passing summary assessment orders under Works Contract Act and Lease Tax Act for all the years upto 31st March 2002.

4. Circular No. 19 T of 2002 dated 30.06.2002:
The commissioner has announced that the date of payment of profession tax by enrolment holders for the year 2002-2003 is extended from 30th June 2002 to 31st July 2002. However, it has been clarifed that the extension is not applicable to those cases where enrolment holders want to make advance payment for the period 2002-03 to 2006-07.


1. The Government of Maharashtra has issued notification No. STA-11.02/CR-123/Taxation-1 dated 17th June, 2002 under which 1st July 2002 is appointed to be the date from which section 13 of the B.S.T. Act shall come into force. Thus, Value Added Tax System is introduced on Iron & Steel goods covered by schedule entry no.B-6.

2. By issuing notification No. STR 12.02/CR-150/ Taxation-1 dated 29th June, 2002, rules are amended with effect from 1st July, 2002. The amendments are as under:

i. In rule 41 F, unbranded utensils made from non ferrous metal, are covered by schedule entry C-II-24 with effect from 1st May, 2002. Therefore, full set off will be granted on sales tax paid on raw materials and packing materials used in manufacturing of unbranded utensils made from non ferrous metal, covered by C-II.24.

ii. Rule 42M is added with effect from 1st July 2002. Under this rule, set off will be granted on tax paid separate purchases of goods covered by schedule entry B-6, if the said goods are resold. However, no set off will be granted if the said goods are resold against Form No.15EC or BC Form.

iii. Rule 46C is added with effect from 1st July 2002. Under this rule, reduction of purchase price (as in the case of rule 46B earlier) will be allowed on resale of goods covered by schedule entry B-6.

3 By notification no. STA 11.02/CR-123/Taxation-1 dated 9th July, 2002, the Government of Maharashtra has postponed the date of implementation of VAT System on Iron & Steel goods covered by Schedule Entry B-6 from 1st July, 2002 to 1st August, 2002.

C.V.O. CA's News & Views
Vol.5 No.6 July - Aug 2002

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