Manoranjan Samiti organised- Saradotsav 2010 on 24/10/2010 at H.V.S.
We are pleased to inform that more than 1050 members took part in this five hours event.There were 45 participants in Arti decoration ,Garba decoration , and Chudi Chandla competition.
Every one enjoyed Dandia, Garba, on the beats of SAAZ Musical Troup - Ahemadabad.All the competition were judged by smt. Beena Mehta, smt.Parul Dattani, smt.Sadhna Bangaru and smt. Reena Hindocha.
Everyone enjoyed the colourful and pleasent evening with delicious food.With the presence of all the Committee members, Trustees and all the people who were attached to this event made it a grand success.

We are thankful to all our Sponsors for their support to put up a great event.